County Commissioners Announce Public Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Agenda Session Times are Approximate

Meeting will also be Live Streamed at

The Board of County Commissioners may close a portion of this public meeting and move into Executive Session to comply with a specific constitutional, statutory, or judicial requirement that may prevent public disclosure about a particular proceeding or matter. 

*To comment on agenda items – please send to [email protected]

 3:00        Administrative Session  

  • Avilton Community Association – Request for Fiscal Year 2025 County Property Tax Abatement
  • Appointments:

        – Garrett County Mental Health Advisory Committee – 1 position 

        – Garrett County Planning Commission – 1 position

  • Mr. Null will review a number of administrative and managerial matters under his authority and jurisdiction with the Board of County Commissioners

4:00       Call to Order of Public Session, Invocation, and Pledge of Allegiance

              County Administrator – Additions/Deletions to Public Meeting Agenda

              Approval of Public, Administrative, and Executive Meeting Minutes

4:05       Resolution 2024–1 – Approval and Execution – Garrett County Homestead Tax Credit

4:10        Recognition:  Railey Realty – 50th Anniversary

4:15        “Run For It” Event Update – Tucker Community Foundation

4:20       Public Commentary


Public issues or concerns that are to be presented to the Board of Garrett County Commissioners during any Public Meeting should be scheduled with Carol A. Riley–Alexander, Executive Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners/County Administrator.    

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners next scheduled Public Meeting will be Monday, March 4, 2024 at the Garrett County Courthouse beginning at 4:00 PM.

Created 2/12/2024 3:11pm
Last Updated 2/13/2024 1:03pm