Administrative Council

The Administrative Council is a structure designed to facilitate coordination, cooperation and dissemination of information between the three main agencies with regulatory control within the Deep Creek watershed - Garrett County, Maryland Department of the Environment and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.  The three agencies formalized the structure by signing an initial  Document Memorandum of Understanding (886.09 KB)  on 11/26/2016 and have continued their collaboration by signing a second  Document second Memorandum of Understanding (216.03 KB)  on 12/18/2018.  

The Administrative Council oversees the implementation of the  Document Deep Creek Watershed Management Plan (2.07 MB)  by ensuring project design, funding, and oversight is provided and administered by the appropriate individuals in every agency.  The Garrett County Watershed Coordinator will serve as staff to the Council and as the liaison between the Administrative Council and local stakeholders. 

The Educational Advisory Committee provides input to the Administrative Council on issues concerning public education and citizen engagement from 2017-2020.

If you have questions or comments for the Administrative Council, please email or call 301-334-1923

Members of the Council

Molly Ramsey
Garrett County Government

Bruce Michael
Garrett County Government

Siera Wigfield
Garrett County Government

Tom Parham
Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Jim George
Maryland Department of the Environment