Pilot Dredging Project Update

The Deep Creek Watershed Foundation in conjunction with the University of Maryland Extension is pleased to announce a dredging project update event. This informative session delve into insights and progress related to the Deep Creek Lake Arrowhead Cove Sediment Removal Project.
The virtual lunch and learn event will be held on December 14, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.
Bruce Michael, the Deep Creek Lake & Watershed Coordinator for Garrett County, will be leading the presentation and sharing details of this project scope to include the following topics:

  • A summary of the pilot dredging project.
  • Why Arrowhead Cove was selected.
  • Slides will include project site preparation, installation of the cofferdam, construction of temporary roads, etc.

Visit this link https://umd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkd-qspj4sHtRAWR6i_kp2fasj5a5qW5RP#/registration to register. Registration is required.
Please contact Bruce Michael, Garrett County Watershed Coordinator, at bmichael@garrettcounty.org or 410-570-4554 for questions or more information.

Virtual Brunch and Learn Deep Creek Lake-Arrowhead Cove Sediment Removal Project Update

Created 12/12/2023 9:55am