North Glade Run Stormwater Assessment

One of the goals of the Deep Creek Watershed Management Plan completed in 2014 was to “manage stormwater infrastructure to decrease pollution from both existing and proposed development to ensure healthy watershed conditions” (p. 26).  One of the objectives stated the need to “develop an incremental plan to identify existing stormwater problems at a sub-watershed level and create an action plan for addressing issues and educating residents on best management practices” (p. 27).  To that end, the County completed strategy #1 of that objective by ranking the sub-watersheds of the Deep Creek Watershed based on known areas of concern as observed by staff or reported by citizens and number of existing subdivisions developed prior to the requirement to install stormwater features.  The  Document North Glade Run Subwatershed Map (297.28 KB)  was ranked as the subwatershed with the most potential concerns.  A stormwater assessment was initiated to identify locations of excessive erosion, identify their sources and recommend solutions for remediation. The intent of the County is to obtain a model for assessment that can be repeated in other subwatersheds in the future. 


A. Morton Thomas & Associates (AMT) concluded their work and provided the following final reports:

The Assessment and GIS Calculations Methodology reports explain how and why the consultants reached their conclusions.  Appendix A provides specifics on recommended projects.  Appendix B provides technical information about the Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling that was conducted.  Appendix C provides the requirements for marinas that fall under the NPDES permit.  Please note that the NPDES permit for marinas is administered by the MDE and not the county.  For more information, please click the following link regarding general discharge permits for discharges from marinas.