Town of Accident Zoning

The most recent version of the  Document Accident Zoning Ordinance (756.71 KB) became effective on July 27, 1997. Please click the following link to view an  Document Accident Zoning Map (194.17 KB) . We also offer interactive webmaps that include a zoning layer. Planning & Land Management staff helps administer the Zoning Ordinance and provides final review and approval of all required zoning permits.


For more information please contact Bruce Metz or Chad Fike at 301-334-1920.

The Town of Accident Town can be contacted at 301-746-6346 or by email. Town Hall is located at 104 S. North Street; Accident, MD 21520.

Zoning Permits

Erecting most structures or changing the use of land or buildings within the Town of Accident requires a zoning permit. In most cases a building permit from the Department of Permits & Inspection Services will also be required. Certain smaller structures such as fences, signs, and small sheds will require a site plan and zoning permit even if a building permit is not required. Please call with details of any proposed project to determine which permits will be required.

Application Process

Zoning permit applications are made at the Department of Planning & Land Management by the property owner or authorized agent of the owner. If necessary, a building permit will also be initiated at this time. Once approved, the applicant takes the approved zoning permit to Accident Town Hall for payment of fees. Construction may not begin until all required building and zoning permits are issued.

Site Plans

Zoning permit applications should include a site layout drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions, and height of proposed buildings, structures, or uses, and any existing buildings in relation to property and street lines.


Required zoning permit fees are paid at the Town Hall. Please contact Town Hall for the current fee schedule.

Appeals for Special Exceptions, Variances & Interpretations

The Board of Appeals may grant zoning approval for Special Exception Uses grant following a public hearing and findings of fact consistent with the provisions of the Ordinance, and provided the use complies with conditions and standards in the Ordinance.

  • A Variance is a request for the Board of Appeals to vary or adapt the strict application of certain specific requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • An Interpretation Hearing may be requested where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Zoning Administrator.

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board consists of three members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Town Council. The term of office of the members is three (3) years. The current Board members are as follows:

  • Audra Shafer (Chair)
  • David Higdon
  • Shawn Fratz