What & Where to Recycle in Garrett County

Document What and Where to Recycle Flier (272.63 KB)

Aluminum Cans

Soda & Beer Cans. Empty & rinse. Crush (Optional). NO Food, Tin, Aerosol, Paint, nor other hazardous material cans. All Locations; Local Scrap Yards. Call for Contact List. 


Washers, dryers, stoves, hot water tanks, dishwashers, et al; All locations except Friendsville. Additional fees apply. NO appliances containing Freon will be accepted at the sites; landfill Only. Retailer Take-Back Program. Appliances, Bulk Items & White Goods.

Appliances with Freon

Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and dehumidifiers. DO NOT damage refrigerator tubing. DO NOT release Freon into the air. Landfill Only; Additional fees apply. Retail Take-Back Programs. 

Assorted Office Paper

Envelopes, copy/fax paper; colored, computer, legal, & carbonless paper; file cards, adding machine tape, manila folders, staples, tape, mail. NO Carbon paper, spiral notebook (wire), paper bags, hand towels, or food wrappers. Landfill, Bumble Bee, Grantsville Kings Run and Garrett Highway.


Brush & branches. Do not mix with household waste. Landfill only. Additional fees apply. 


Corrugated cardboard (i.e., two pieces flat board w/ruffled layer in between.) Remove any packaging & flatten boxes. Shiny Cardboard, Tape & Staples Okay. NO waxed cardboard, cereal boxes, shoe, shirt or soda boxes, or Asian cardboard. All Locations.

Christmas Trees (Seasonal)

Accepted at landfill location only. Please remove all tinsel, lights, garland and ornaments before recycling tree. (NOTE: The trees are recycled with DNR Fisheries and used as habitats.)


All Electronics and Microwaves, (No TV's or CRT's), No Appliances (especially ones that have/had Freon). Grantsville, Bumble Bee, Kings Run, Landfill and Garrett Highway; Check with Horizon Goodwill stores and local schools & churches that may have recycling programs for computers.

Fluorescent Bulbs, Lamps, & Non-PCB Ballasts

Compact Bulbs (CFL's); U-Tubes, 4' Lamps, 8' Lamps, Non-PCB Ballasts (Will contain a “No PCB’s” label) NO Broken Bulbs or Lamps. DO NOT LEAVE BULBS OR LAMPS LAYING ON GROUND NEAR THE COLLECTION BUILDING. Businesses: Call Office for contact list of processors for Fluorescent Bulb Recycling - No Commercial Businesses. Landfill Only.

Glass Bottles and Jars

Bottles & Jars (w/neck) ONLY. Empty & rinse. If possible, remove lids. Separate by color (clear, brown and green; Red and Blue glass go with Brown). Labels Okay. NO Ceramics, mirrors, crystal, window pane, light bulbs, dishes, milk, or auto glass. All Locations.


Keep Clean & Dry. Shiny & slick papers, brochures, catalogs, phone book cover, coupons, etc. NO Office Paper, carbon paper, paper bags, plastic bags or cardboard. Bumble Bee, Grantsville, Landfill, Kings Run and Garrett Highway.

Motor Oil, Antifreeze, & Oil Filters

OIL(including): Engine Oil, Power Steering Fluid, Transmission Fluid, Diesel Fuel, Gear Oil, Turbine Engine Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Fuel Oil (#2, #4, #6) & Kerosene. Do not mix together prior to delivery to site for recycling. Do not mix oil or antifreeze with any other fluids. Do not pour down drain or onto the ground. Dispose of containers housing oils & antifreeze in trash. All locations except Friendsville. Barrels or Large Amounts accepted at Hutton Auto, Oakland; Diehl's Ford, Grantsville, and Large Amounts/Barrels can also be delivered to refuse & recycling sites with prior approval from Recycling Coordinator & an Appointment.

Filters - Drain. Recycle at Bumble Bee, Kings Run, Landfill, 135, Grantsville and Garrett Highway refuse and recycling sites.

Newspaper & Phone Books

Clean & dry. Leave loose. Remove covers on books; paperback books, Recycle with NEWSPAPERS. NO Bulk mail, plastic or paper bags, magazines, glossy inserts, or twine. All Locations.

#1 Plastic Bottles (PET)

Plastic bottles w/neck ONLY (i.e., Water, Soda, Ketchup, etc.). Crush (Optional). Labels O.K. NO food containers (i.e., fruit containers) NO #2 – 7 Plastic. Materials accepted at Grantsville, Kings Run, Bumble Bee, Landfill and Garrett Highway

#2 Plastic Bottles & Jugs (HDPE)

Plastic bottles w/neck ONLY (i.e., Milk, bleach, detergent, water, shampoo). Rinse. Crush (Optional). Labels O.K. NO Buckets, tubs, bowls, silverware, bags, egg carton, plates & food containers (i.e., margarine.) NO #1, #3 - #7 Plastic. Materials accepted at Grantsville, Kings Run, Bumble Bee, Landfill and Garrett Highway.


Car, truck, equipment tires with or without wheels. NO AXLES. Landfill only. Additional fees apply. Local Retailer - Fee Applies. Perry's Solid Waste & Disposal, Oakland - Fee applies. Landfill Rates. Please also see: Alternatives for Scrap Tires

Yard Waste

Grass clippings & leaves for compost pile only. Must be loose. Do not mix with household waste. No Bio-Degradable Bags allowed in compost pile or Food Scraps of any kind. Landfill only. Additional fees apply. 

Private Haulers and Recycling Services

Deep Creek Refuse

Provides services for Residential and Commercial Trash and Recycling; Bear-Proof Containers; Dumpsters, etc. Call for Rates.

11327 Friendsville Road
Friendsville, MD 21531


Phone: 301-746-5620, 888-860-4653
Fax: 301.746.5277
Mobile: 301-501-2005

Pro Disposal Maryland/Perry's Solid Waste Disposal

Provides Services for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Recycling. Company Offers Roll-Off Containers, Storage Units, Compactor Units and Bear-Proof Containers. Call for Rates.

105 Arnold Lane
Mtn. Lake Park MD 21550


Phone: 301-334-2450
Fax: 301-334-2188

Sunrise Sanitation Services

Provides Services for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Recycling.Company Offers Roll-Off Containers, Storage Containers, Compactor Units and Bear-Proof Containers. Provides Free Estimates.

P.O. Box 675
Oakland, MD 21550


Phone: 301-334-6212, 800-645-4886
Fax: 301-334-6218